Office Grades Explained

Category Commercial Property

RENTAL LEVELS (ALL FIGURES EXCLUDE VAT) Offices in SA are generally referenced as either "AAA" or "Premium" grade (Class A), "A" grade (Class B), "B" Grade and "C" Grade (Class C). These can be (currently) explained as follows:

AAA or Premium Grade (Class A) - Rentals between R140 - R200 /m² p/m New development, state of the art architecture, high rise or secure office park environment, good parking ratio, superior finishes, security and location.

A Grade (Class B) - Rentals between R90 - R140/m² p/m Modern office building, high rise or office park environment but approx 5 -10 years old, good parking ratio, superior finishes and good security.

B Grade (Class C) - Rentals between R50 - R90/m² p/m Approx 10 years plus with dated architecture and finishes often in need of updating. Low parking ratio usually 1 bay per 100 m² or less.

C Grade - Rentals between R35 - R50/m² p/m Approx 50 years plus, difficult floor plan, basic or retro fitted AC ("window rattlers"), no parking and basic finishes and security.

Industrial / Warehouse Structure (with convertibility) - R25 to R35/ m² p/m "as is" (prior to conversion). New or old industrial building situated within semi commercial area mixed use environment.

Author: Cesar Alexandre

Submitted 10 Sep 19 / Views 5387